Blizzard Brawl 2023 registration is here!
Check out our Blizzard Brawl 2023 page to register and read the rules
Check out our Blizzard Brawl 2023 page to register and read the rules
Once again, Alberta has declared a state of public state of health emergency. COVID cases and hospitalizations have continued to rise, and as of September 16th new measures are being implemented that will effect the future of The Forge.
In keeping compliant with provincial mandates, The Forge has implemented a Restrictions Exemption Program (REP). As everyone knows, we have been very pro-vaccination from the beginning and believe the REP to be an extension of this.
If it is your first class since our return indoors, please ensure you bring proof that you have received at least two vaccinations when you come to class tonight. Additionally, we will also require you to fill out a consent form authorizing us to collect this information before class participation.
Additionally, we have made the decision to reimplement masks for the time being. While we do understand everyone participating is double vaccinated, we do not wish to become a further burden on our overtaxed health care system. This may simply be a temporary measure until ICU numbers begin to drop, but we will keep everyone informed as things progress.
Thanks again to everyone who continues to support us through this difficult time, as well as the challenging times ahead. The Board & Instructors will continue to work diligently through this time to keep our doors open and provide you with the physical activities you love, while keeping The Forge a much as COVID-free space as possible.
For any questions, feel free to ask a board member this evening, e-mail us at [email protected] or speak up on Discord!
With the province reopening in July, The Forge is happy to announce the return of our summer classes! We look forward to seeing new and returning faces to the club as we enter into Summer 2021 and hopefully a return to regular training inside the community hall in the Fall.
Before joining, there’s a few key points we’d like everyone to take into consideration before coming out to join us!